Friday, April 10, 2009

Been awhile. Coming away from the excitement of the new President, all the changes and efforts, the oversights and huge move against him, keeping abreast, but branching out now into other matters in the interest of mental health. :)
Main daily news-reading is the recession. How it's affecting friends and family and everybody else in the country. An unprecedented mess, not comparable to that of the Depression so often referred back to. The anguish, loss and panic changing everything for so many is only tolerable to me in doses. As antidote I've turned my attention to home projects, better home maintenance, undertakings I'd postponed.


Granny's musings ... said...

Beautifully written - effortlessly. As I would expect from you. The one regret I have, after finding this blog, is that you aren't on this DAILY! Do think about it. It would become a national treasure -- certainly to me and the others who recognize how skillfully you express those things you take to heart. Even if it would be silly stuff, I'd love reading it and commenting. You, my dear, are one of my favorite writers of all time. Keep me supplied, puhleeeze. ;D

tolerford said...

Thank you, Sue. I forget about having started it, then come across it in Favorites once in awhile. Intend to post tonight.

Granny's musings ... said...

Tell me about it! I have started blogs all over cyberspace and forget about them. Don't even know how to access them. Good intentions, but the road to ... success (??) is paved with them, isn't that right? I know I owe you email. I have an overflowing inbox and feeling overwhelmed. What's really important to me at this moment is you. HOW ARE YOU DOING?????????