Sunday, May 27, 2012

This Senior Camaraderie

Since here, turned 65. Had a stroke, put into a three-day coma to minimize brain damage, and residuals are lucky again: memory loss, poor retention, iffy balance and tire easily. Couldda been so very much worse. Politically, I'm less enthused and more wary.  Finding Yahoo Answers, their Seniors category, good daily enjoyment. Today here in the South it was 90, and not yet even June. No heat tolerance! Fighting depression over the future of America. Enough personals.

So many new issues abound, fracking among them. And the responsibility of living free, to have an opinion on them all. I want to see better ideas for nuclear waste than shooting it into the sun, which I learned is one. I want to see more youngsters care about digging for their better education than those who don't. Firefighters remaining on duty and paid for it, police, too, and teachers, all earning more and equipped to state-of-the-art capacity. Would like to see the Humane Society chastise  Romney, which they probably already have. If a woman has reached this age without what used to be fondly referred to as "a waist", I'd like to find designers for us who refuse horizontal stripes, sleeveless anythings, short lengths and scoop necks, with pricing we can afford and details worth the price.

I think the better ideal scenario is for each state to designate and erect razor-topped high fencing on unused land for criminal incarceration and let them decide how to behave toward each other, without entertainment, and a more precise investigation of those who might have been falsely convicted, to spare them this scenario. Guards protected by distance from prisoners.  

Without birth control, prenatal care and free choice, not only will our planet's overpopulation remain ludicrous, but the bombing right-to-lifers should still receive busloads of unwanted, neglected, abused, poorly parented children into their neighborhoods and homes, for their 20yr commitment.

My red state friend is running for the legislature blue. I'm doing what I can to help her.

I wonder why men still succumb to ties, why women still defy what we know about heels over 3", and why teens either bare their midriffs or wear their pants falling off. The girls invite and dare; the boys can't run.  

What's still good living in America is obvious. We aren't killed for our opinions  unless we socialize with extremists.  


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