Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day '08, Blue Ridge Mountains

About quarter to seven, starting the wipers to clear the condensation on the front and back of my Jeep, I set out toward drive-thru breakfast and decided to check the Civic Center first. This is a very small town, our Civic Center holds 600+ for such events as voting, and the wipers intermittent, I kept the glass clear for maneuvering. The chilly air, the bright yellows and reds of hardwoods in the ascent of sunrise, the necessity of headlights so others with condensed side windows could see and be seen, a snap to the moment, the familiar Election Day rumbling, electricity, anxiety, hope and intent made the trip wholly inhaled.

It was now ten til seven. The grade down and around the curve brought the first blue flashing sheriff's parked car, well above the Center, two officers in orange cross-body straps, one holding coffee, stopping me to let a voter cross from the parking lot, a small, early gathering in the foyer stood behind the front door entrance, and another sheriff's flashing blue car on the other flank. The morning was clear, beautiful, and it heartened me to see the seriousness with which this monumentally important election was being overseen.

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